
Friday, September 23, 2011

we're getting a Trader Joe's!

I can NOT explain to you how stoked I am that we're getting a Trader Joe's! Yesterday TJ's got approval to change the exterior of the old Alabama Theater in Houston so they can start transforming it into a TJ's. I think that's great. The theater used to be a bookstore but has been empty recently.

While I like Whole Foods, it is a bit pricey. All I've heard are rave reviews about TJ's so I'm very excited to finally be getting one nearby.

My friend G has been emailing me about the news as well. We're both super stoked! There's already a field trip planned for me, G, and S to visit the new TJ's once it opens. I imagine that'll be sometime next year.

This deserves a fuck yeah!

Monday, September 19, 2011

apparently it's sandwich season

The summer is slowly trailing off. This week the highs are in the low 90's. Some days are only getting to 89! Fall is incoming, peeps. It seriously can't get here soon enough.

Anyways. My sandwich consumption has really shot up lately. Kinda weird but in an awesome way.

Had tuna a few days back:

Egg sandwich with mozzarella and Frank's hotsauce <3

And finally this past weekend I had multiple homemade pulled pork sandwiches! /drool

All with sweet potato chips, ofc.

I can't believe I made my own pulled pork. It turned out incredibly well! Next time I make it I'll try to throw up a post for the recipe.

The hubs and I have been seriously talking about early retirement lately. We both want to strive towards retiring early. It was decided we really needed to take a serious look at where our money is going. Soooo we started a budget. We've had one before but kinda let it slide. 

Well, after taking a look at how much money we spent in restaurants lately, we'll be doing more home cooking in the future. Good thing I can make kickass sandwiches. ;)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

donating helps everyone

I got an email from my friend G. She was asking for donations for those affected by the terrible fires in Texas. Well, it was a no-brainer. Of course I'd whip up a box of things that could really help others as well as clear out items we no longer use.

It was easy to fill a box up. In went our excess of towels: bath, hand, kitchen. I threw in a couple good pairs of jeans that I never wear because they fit me weird. And I also had three - THREE ffs - extra backpacks I never used. I'm sure there are some kids in need. A couple little extra things went in the box too and I hauled it over to G.

Wish I had taken a pic, but this blog post wasn't really on my mind.

Two birds, one stone. People needed stuff and I had stuff that needed to go. Awesome.

Props to G and likewise Judge C for taking the initiative on this!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Nothing like a homemade sandwich

Today's been a great day. I went for a run with my friend Gin this morning. It was great. I haven't been running for about a year, so it was nice to get back out there.

After my run I was starved. Thankfully, I had tuna sandwich fixins on hand.

With sweet potato chips. Yum!

Oh man, so good. Jam packed with pickles, red onion, tomato, and green pepper.

Food made and eaten at home is just more satisfying to me. It's really just pure laziness when we go out to eat. I'm glad that hubs is on board with staying home more too. =)

My great day continued with watching Sam Stosur win the US Open! Congrats, Sam!

Everyone starts somewhere

Part of my new plan for simplicity is to move towards minimalism. Now, I realize I have a looooong way to go, but everyone starts somewhere.

Today I decided to start with my home desk. It often gets clutter with all sorts of junk. Plus I have "organizers" that I don't really need. They only organize crap that I should be throwing out.

My desk before I got started:

I decided to take Joshua's suggestion from The Minimalists and box up my desk. Away went the organizers. Away went the "OMG I LOVE" office supplies that I never use.

I boxed up everything. The big box is stuff that will most likely be donated. The shoe box holds all those office supplies that I think I need (but really don't). After a couple weeks if I haven't had a need for them, they will be donated as well. The black box is filled with paper that needs to be shredded.

My finished result! Monitor, printer, paper pad, pen jar, and cat bed.

There's still a rat's nest of wires down there, but I'll work on those next time. I'm pretty happy with these first steps towards minimalism.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Fall Treat

The autumn equinox may be right around the corner, but it still feels like prime summer here in Houston. Regardless, it is September and I can't help but start thinking about fall foods.

Apples, pumpkins, squash.. I love it all.

So despite it being 95 degrees outside, I decided I wanted to bake a fall treat. I had all the ingredients on hand to whip up some pumpkin muffins.

I use applesauce instead of the typical call for oil. 

Ready for the hot box!

The house started smelling delicious. I can't wait for the temps outside to match my fall mindset.

Once cool I nommed on two! Soooo good.

I love making food from scratch. You know exactly what's in your food plus it often tastes a lot better. No crazy chemicals or preservatives.

Part of moving toward more simple living is getting back to scratch made foods. These pumpkin muffins fit that bill!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What does living simple mean?

Being frugal? Have less junk? Growing your own food?

There are so many aspects to the "simple living" movement. Ultimately, we have to figure out what it means to us and act accordingly.

For me? I'm not exactly sure yet. I know that:

  1. Our house is too big
  2. Our house has too much stuff in it
  3. We spend too much money on "nothing" (eating out especially)
  4. I want to find meaning in more than my job and financial status
So where does that take me? Well, baby steps, people. Baby steps.

Earlier this year I already started clearing out some of the crap in our house that we don't need or use. Clearing space is so refreshing. But you wouldn't believe the endless supply of stuff we've held onto. And I wouldn't even classify us as close to pack-rats at all.

I'd love to move to a smaller house. Hubs agrees, but right now is not the right time to move. Certainly a future endeavor, though.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall is peeking at us

I live in Houston, Texas and to say that autumn has arrived would be quite silly. It's still hot here, but we have had a nice cool front blow in. The next two days will give us a high of only the low 90's which is welcome relief. Last weekend it got to 106!

But it is September, and the cool morning today sparked that familiar happiness inside of me. Fall will be here in the next month or so. I love the fall! Despite not having a very long one, autumn is hands down my favorite season. It brings relief from our long, hot summers and the promise of even cooler weather in the winter.

Plus, there's something about autumn and winter that brings about the domestic within me. I want to cook. I want to turn my house into a cozy home. The hearth becomes important (despite only having a stove and no fireplace). Spirituality blooms within me even though I am not religious.

Perhaps that's why I feel the need to get serious about simple living again. My true priorities emerge as the sun shines lower in the sky.

We shall see. For now I'm happy with the low 90's highs.